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Job Search Outside of Academia

Put Your Qualifications in Writing

Depending on the type of job, you will need to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or a resume. Both documents put your qualifications in writing, but they are used for different audiences and use a different format.

When to use a Resume

In the United States, most employers use resumes, which are one or two page summaries of your experience, education, and skills.  Employers rarely spend more than a few minutes reviewing a resume and successful resumes are concise with enough white space on the page to make it easy to scan.

When to use a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a longer synopsis of your educational and academic background as well as teaching and research experience, publications, awards, presentations, honors, and additional details. CVs are used when applying for academic, scientific, or research positions. International employers often use CVs as well.

Different Resumes for Different Jobs

Many successful job hunters use different resumes for different types of jobs. Graduate students applying for academic and non-academic positions will want to have both a resume and a CV.